****INTEREST SIGNUP: BWAC volunteers - are you ready to hike the entire 31 miles of the PWT? ****
Martin, Matt and Lucas will circumnavigate the trail with a small crew for 3-5 days in late April. You will help survey the campsites set for restoration, count treefalls, and document trail conditions. Be warned - even late April can have winter-like weather conditions.
**** RSVP to express your interest ****
1. BWAC volunteer
2. Physically able to backpack up to 12 miles per day.
3. Attend the BWAC virtual crew member training event in late March.
4. Attend local hikes and a crew shake-down hike two weeks before trip.
5. Able to drive oneself to the Powwow Trail head if necessary.
6. Must be flexible with trip departure and return dates - actual dates will depend on snow being gone and favorable weather.
No pets, alcohol, tobacco, Bluetooth speakers, or axes. Participants are required to sign a (1)liability release and photo video waiver, (2)USFS self certification health form, and a (3)confidential BWAC medical form prior to trip. Organizer reserves the right to deny participation.
THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING TO VOLUNTEER WITH THE BOUNDARY WATERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Your time and energy will leave a legacy for hikers now and in the future. For more information contact Martin Kubik wtrails2 AT yahoo DOT com.
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