Our Mission
The Boundary Waters Advisory Committee’s mission is to preserve existing historic and intrinsically beautiful trails in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of the Superior National Forest.
We accomplish our mission through:
Stewardship — organizing trail clearing trips
Education — increasing awareness through presentations and local events
Advocacy — lobbying to U.S. Forest Service & Congress to keep trails maintained and opened for hikers
The Boundary Waters Advisory Committee (BWAC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. BWAC was established in 2002 and has always been an all-volunteer organization.
H.R.845 - National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act
Following the passage of the National Forest Trails Systems Stewardship Act the BWAC wrote a comment letter to the Secretary of Agriculture, requesting that BWCA wilderness hiking trails, and specifically the Powwow Trail be selected as demonstration projects of US Forest Service cooperation with volunteer groups. BWAC acknowledges hard work of Minnesota representatives Rick Nolan and Tim Walz who co-sponsored the FFSTSA. Thank you.
Powwow Trail
Since 2016 BWAC in partnership with the USDA Forest Service (USFS) has recruited crews to clear the entirety of the Powwow hiking trail. This has involved 20+ trips a year to continue to clear downed trees from the Pagami Creek Fire. This effort has culminated and the recovery of the entire original loop making it clear to hike again. Ongoing work will forcus on keeping the Powwow Trail open, as well as working with the USFS to help maintain other trails in the BWCAW.