Powwow Trail Conditions
CAUTION - The Powwow is very popular with hunters of small game and upland fowl. Hunters and Hikers are required to wear Blaze Orange / Pink on their hat and above the waist during the open seasons. Review the MN Department of Natural Resources regulations here:
These reports are provided as we receive them, and may be out of date or incomplete. This is a wilderness trail, and while this information can serve to help you plan your trip, always keep in mind that the conditions can vary quickly. Note: “Greenzones” are the small sections of unburnt forest. Closed campsites are referred to as “Firegrates”
Even when the trail is clear of treefalls, portions of the trail can be heavily overgrown and take some skill to spot and follow. Download a current GPS track of the Powwow Trail
Trail Summary [ FALL 2024 ]
Dry conditions have eased around the trail with late fall precipitation. Fall hikers indicate a flooded trail crossing adjacent to Pose Creek. The Diana Creek bridge was damaged due to summer flooding and it is recommended to cross on the beaver dam.
Fall trail clearing crews have done corridor and brushing work on seven miles of the logging road and up near Lake Three. Expect sporadic treefalls around the loop and brushy conditions on the western side.
BWAC recommends that all hikers Download a current GPS track of the Powwow Trail and associated maps for offline use (Gaia GPS App) before attempting a thru-hike. McKenzie maps, and the 2016 USFS map of the trail is inaccurate in many critical areas.
Water Sources [ OCT 2024 ]
DRY - Drainages before Isabella crossing
DRY - Secondary Isabella River crossing
LOW - Beaver ponds south of “The Wye”
Pelt Creek beaver pond
Fallen Arch Lake
DRY - Flapper Creek
Marathon Lake
Diana creek bridge / beaver dam
Campfire Lake
Quadga Lake via spur trail
Myth / Exploit Lake Creek / beaver dam crossing
Superstition Lake
Superstition Creek
DRY - Rock Ledge
Mirror Lake
Beaver pond
Path Lake
Rock of Ages Lake
Lake Three
LOW - Stream in Lake Three greenzone
Lake Three / Horseshoe Lake portage
Horseshoe Lake shoreline
Beaver pond
North Wilder Lake
North Wilder Portage
Wilder Creek crossing
DRY - Drainage
South Wilder Lake
DRY - Football Field
Pose Creek
Pose Lake via spur trail
LOW - Drainage
Beaver pond
GOOD - The “Culvert”
DRY - 2nd Wye drainage
Always check the Trail guide for distances to the next water source. Don’t underestimate your time as hiking speeds can average less than 2 mph on the western and northern sections of the trail. Have 2 liters of carrying capacity. Best advice is to always drink up and gather new water at every accessible source.
Problem Spots [ FALL 2024]
As we receive reports of difficult sections of the trail we will report them here. If you hike the trail and encounter other locations, please contact us to let us know so we can add it to the list. The date of the report is listed here as well and we will try to clear these lists as crews work on those sections.
Diana creek bridge damaged, cross on beaver dam
Superstition Greenzone North: Very brushy conditions (watch for tree cuts, cairns, or multi-stemmed regrowth)
Mirror - Rock of Ages Lake: Sporadic brushy conditions
Pose Creek: Waist deep flooded crossing (cross further up the wetland)
Campsite Notes [ Fall 2024 ]
Dispersed camping is permitted anywhere on the trail if you follow the BWCAW Regulations for Hikers: camp 200 feet from the trail and water sources, no campfires during ice free season, no cutting or defacing vegetation
[open] Isabella River canoe campsite
[dispersed] Marathon Lake - no fires allowed in ring
[dispersed] Diana Lake Greenzone
[open] Campfire Lake campsite
[open] Quadga Lake canoe campsite via spur trail
[closed] Superstition Lake firegrate - no latrine
[closed] Mirror Lake firegrate - no latrine
[open] Path Lake campsite
[open] Rock of Ages campsite
[open] Lake Three canoe campsite
[open] Horseshoe Lake canoe campsite
[open] North Wilder campsite
[open] South Wilder campsite
[dispersed] “Football field” 1/2 mile east of S. Wilder
[dispersed] Pose Creek area
[open] Pose Lake Campsite