Summer News from the Boundary Waters Advisory Committee

Greetings Friends of Boundary Waters Trails,

Summer is progressing and I hope we are all finding ways to ease back into enjoying social activities. Here is the latest news from the Boundary Waters Advisory Committee.

BWAC Picnic Wednesday, July 28. BWAC is pleased to announce a long-awaited in-person event coming up Wednesday, July 28, at Afton State Park. We’d like to see you!

All are welcome—past and present volunteers, would-be-volunteers, friends, family, find-out-more-about wilderness trails-outdoor enthusiasts—to attend a casual summer meet and greet. This is a bring-your-own picnic dinner. BWAC will provide beverages, charcoal for the grill, and wood for a campfire.

Help BWAC plan for a dozen or one hundred attendees. For event details and to RSVP, visit the BWAC meetup site here:

Fall 2021 Trips. Your help is needed on the Powwow Trail. Volunteer crew leaders are busy coordinating calendars and routes for fall trips. We love to hike in the fall and you will, too. BWAC will get you up and running (ok...walking with a pack and a hand saw or lopper) whether you haven’t yet been to the Boundary Waters or you are an experienced visitor. Stay tuned to Meetup for trip announcements later this month.

Spring 2021 trips wrap. A huge thank you to the sixty trail volunteers who swarmed the Powwow this past spring. We couldn’t do it without you. The trail is in the most hikable condition since prior to the 2011 Pagami Creek Fire; some long-timers report the tread is even more hikeable thanks to the many dozens of BWAC crew members working hard to keep the Powwow safe and accessible.

Minnesota’s BWCAW wilderness trails belong to all of us. BWAC has been stewarding wilderness trails in the BWCAW with integrity, hard work, and fun for almost twenty years. I am happy to talk trails or trail advocacy with you. Email or call with any concerns or to find out more about how you can help.

I hope to see you at the BWAC picnic on July 28, or on trail this autumn.


Susan Pollock
The Boundary Waters Advisory Committee (BWAC)


Fall Trips Announced


Friends of BWCA Trails: Spring 2021 President's Message