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Trip #8 Canoe in/Hike to clear on West side by Path&Mirror Lake

  • Path Lake Campsite Powwow Trail (map)


NOTE: THIS TRIP IS FULL. To be added to a wait list, please email verenawalther[at]

All participants must be approved by the crew leader before registering. This is a remote trip on a wilderness route in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Email me, crew leader Verena Walther, under verenawalther[at] and let me know you are interested in the trip. I will reply within three days. Do not hesitate to contact me as soon as you can. This trip will fill. Registrations will be in order of approval.

Thank you for your interest in helping maintain trails in the BWCAW.


This is a combination paddle and backpack work trip to the Powwow Trail in the BWCAW.

Thursday afternoon we will carpool from the Twin Cities area to Ely, MN. We will stay at Kawishiwi Lodge on the shore of BWCAW Lake One.

Friday morning up and at 'em for our paddle through Lakes One, Two and Three to the rugged west side of the Powwow Trail. We will stash our canoes at Lake Three then backpack south 3.5 mi. to our three-night base camp at Path or Mirror Lake. Both lakes are beautiful remote Boundary Waters lakes featuring a fire grate and plenty of flat spots to pitch a tent. Campsites are unrestored and there is no latrine.

Saturday and Sunday we will clear new growth and downed trees from the trail between Path and Mirror Lakes.

Monday we'll pack out and return to the Twin Cities. It will be a six to eight hour travel day out of the wilderness.


Expect thick brush and tree falls on the trail in a very remote area, cool and possibly wet weather, look forward to working with a good group of people, and to working hard to reopen the Powwow Trail for everyone to enjoy.
Each participant will carry their own pack, shelter, sleep system, food, personal gear and a clearing tool. You should be in good physical shape for full days of travel and working, and have a "can-do" attitude for unknown trail and weather conditions.

Recommended gear list:

There is a mandatory safety training and orientation Tuesday evening, April 5, 2022. A required local hike will be scheduled in April to meet each other, conduct a gear check and to hash out trip logistics. Trail clearing experience is not required or expected. BWAC provides all tools and safety training.


All participants must sign the BWAC liability release, BWAC medical health form, and U.S. Forest Service volunteer agreement before trip departure. Review forms at

The $25 registration fee includes a Mckenzie map of the Powwow Trail and offsets a portion of administrative and tool costs for BWAC. Additional costs will be $25.00 bunkhouse, your trip food, and your share for gas for those not driving. Our trail partner, the U.S. Forest Service, provides the wilderness permit for BWAC volunteer crews. Kawishiwi Lodge generously provides canoes and a discounted bunkhouse for our first night's stay.

Thank you for choosing to volunteer with the Boundary Waters Advisory Committee.

May 11

Trip #7 Canoe and Hike Powwow west side with Chris and Susan

May 17

Trip #9 Twin Cities Crew Condo Trip Clean up on the Powwow Trail